How to Make the Most Out of Spring Cleaning for Your Pet

Take that deep breath and AHHHHHHH, you can smell that spring is finally in the air! Grab your cleaners, break out the mop and put on some gloves because it’s time to tackle some spring cleaning. As hibernation comes to an end, don’t forget your favorite furry companion has been hibernating all winter right beside you and could use some help with their own spring cleaning. Going Mutts wants to help you and your pets make the most out of your cleaning, so check out our five cleaning tips for pet parents this spring season.

Deodorize couches, carpets and pet spaces: One way to get your ‘pet spaces’ clean is to use baking soda to help deodorize your fabric areas that pets frequently visit in your house. Sprinkle some baking soda over vacuum-able surfaces to absorb the pet odor and let it sit for about 10 minutes before sucking it up with the vacuum. If your pet's bed doesn’t have a removable, washable cover, sprinkle the baking soda on top and let it sit for 10-20 minutes before using the vacuum. If it's a litter box you need to tackle, get out the gloves and scrub that litter box clean! Throw out the old litter and let the litter box dry completely before adding in the new litter. Don’t forget to wash the lid as well! 

** Safety Tip: Baking soda can be a pet parent's best friend when it comes to cleaning, but only when used in small amounts. Avoid leaving the baking soda sitting for prolonged periods of time and make sure you keep the opened box away from your pets while cleaning. If they ingest any large amounts of baking soda, it can be very dangerous for your pets health. 

** Vacuuming tip: Did you know that vacuuming in one direction and then switching to vacuum in the opposite direction actually loosens embedded pet hair so you can get it out of the carpet?

Wash, wash, wash those toys: If your pet loves their stuffed animals, you can throw them in the washer to get them nice and clean, but make sure you’re using an all-natural, unscented detergent (no bleach or Borax). To dry, you can put them in the dryer on low heat without a scented dryer sheet or line-dry them. Before you give them back their toy, make sure you check for any loose parts to avoid any choking hazards. If you’re worried about the toys going through the washer, a cold rinse with a pet-safe soap can also do wonders. This is also a great time to go through all of your pet’s toys and throw away any broken or highly chewed toys. Think about getting a basket to put all your pet’s toys in to help keep the mess to a minimum and keep that basket in a centralized location in your house - such as a corner in the living room. 

Don’t forget the plastic and rubber: One of the biggest pet items that slip under the radar when it comes to cleaning are the water and food bowls our pets use daily. These plastic bowls can go in the dishwasher - if you have something other than plastic bowls, check the labels to see if they are dishwasher friendly. Once you take the bowls out of the dishwasher, give them another rinse just to make sure all the detergent is off of them. If you have any heavy duty rubber toys, such as the Kong, you can place them on the dishwasher’s top rack - but skip the heated dry setting to avoid any melting. If any other plastic or rubber toys seem sticky or gooey, you can use a 1:2 ratio of vinegar and hot water as a soak for 15 minutes to help get rid of the dirt. Scrub, rinse and let dry thoroughly before playing with them again. 

Clean up the yard: As winter comes to a close and green grass can be seen once again, now is the time to make sure the yard is ready for your pet to roam it once again. Clean up any poop that was left under the winter snow along with any dead animals or bones that may have been compromised by old man winter. Make sure anything that may seem like a choking or health hazard to your pet is removed from the yard. Spring time is also a great time to take a look at your fences and gates and repair them as needed. You can also scour the yard for any old tennis balls or toys that were left outside during the cold months that need to be thrown away and look into some new upgrades for playtime outside!

Don’t forget about the leash and collar: Your pet's collar and leash may be one of the items that gets pushed to the side when it comes to cleaning time, so remember to wash these as well. You can toss both the leash and collar into the washing machine on a gentle cycle and then lay them on a flat surface to dry. If you’re not too sure about the washing machine, handwashing is always an option as well. You can put both leash and collar in a sink with warm water and some dish soap and let them soak for 10 minutes before rinsing and laying them out to dry.

As you scour your house with the finest cleaning products, don’t forget to check labels and grab some pet-safe products to keep toxins and other dangerous chemicals away from your pet’s items. Remember, spring cleaning is for e-v-e-r-y-o-n-e; not just the house. So grab your pet’s items and give them a good deep clean since they have been racking up some dirt and dust throughout the winter as well.

Spring cleaning is also a great time to think about sprucing up your dog’s outside time with some daily dog walks! Why not get ahead of the warm weather and start scheduling some extra walks and playtime for your favorite canine with Going Mutts Pet Services. Drop us an email and let’s set up a free Meet ‘n Greet to customize your dog’s exercise!



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