Back to School: How to Help Your Pets Adjust

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School shopping - check! 

Figure out the bus schedule - check! 

Find a dog walker - uh oh!

It’s pretty easy to have your pet get lost amongst the hustle and bustle of back to school, so as you make your new routines don’t forget to figure out how your pup will be fitting in! Pet parents can sometimes forget that our pets will be going through the transition with us and may need some extra help with adjusting. Check out our 5 tips for helping your pet cope with the back to school transition. 

Tip #1: Dog walkers: If everyone is making the transition back to school and work at the same time, think about hiring a local dog walker to help with playtime and exercise. Pet sitting and walking can help to reduce anxiety and energy levels when you’re not around, giving them something to look forward to during the day while getting out their energy to make them more sedate while waiting for everyone to come home. Going Mutts Pet Services, LLC has daily dog walking, dog or cat check-ins and pet sitting services for the Lancaster area. We are here to give you peace of mind while you’re away from your fur-baby, so contact us for a free Meet ‘n Greet today!

Tip #2: Smart toys: These are designed to make your dog ‘work’ for their treats or food while you’re away from the house for extended amounts of time. You can find something as basic as a kibble dispensing toy to an advanced puzzle that makes your pup have to move certain pieces to unlock treats. You can switch out toys every week to keep your pup interested and brain sharp while everyone is away at school and work. 

Tip #3: Walk to the bus stop: If your pup doesn’t mind crowds and commotion, take him with you as you walk the kids to the bus stop for an adventure! Or, if you walk the kids to school, bring your furry friend with you and find a fun route that adds some miles on the way back to give him a real workout that will have him ready to lounge for a little when you get home. 

Tip #4: Car rides: If your pup loves car rides, take him along when you drop the kids off, pick them up or have some errands to run. Let him come on the day's adventures with you to keep him part of the routine and to give him some excitement during his day. Remember, do not leave your pup unattended in the car - only take him with you if you will be staying with him for the duration of your time out and about. 

Tip #5: Get up early to exercise your dog: While mornings may be hectic enough with getting the kids off to school, try getting up early to make sure your pup gets a good quality walk before everyone leaves for the day. Cutting corners and only giving your canine a short walk can lead to trouble later in the day if his energy isn’t quite satiated with that morning walk. Aim for a long walk or at least a 20-minute play session to let your canine work out some energy. Having trouble getting up earlier than early? Give Going Mutts Pet Services, LLC a call and we can get your pup out and about early for you so you can focus on getting ready and heading into the office. 

We all need to remember that even our pets must go through the back to school transition with us, so don’t forget about them as you make your new schedules. Keeping your furry friends in the loop and practicing the upcoming changes can help make the transition for everyone easier. If you feel as though Fido seems to be taking this transition a little too hard, check out our previous blog post outlining the differences between separation anxiety and boredom to make sure your pup's mental health is still healthy with all the changes that may be taking place. 

Let us help you with your back to school routine for Fido with daily dog walks and playtime! We know this is a busy time of the year for families and Fido can get a little lost in the hustle and bustle of everything back to school, so let us provide you with some peace of mind for your furry friend. Going Mutts Pet Services, LLC offers daily dog walks, dog and cat check-ins and pet sitting to keep your fur-iends moving and grooving while everyone is away. Contact us for a FREE Meet ‘n Greet to customize the best experience for your pet!



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