Going Mutts Pet Services, LLC

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The Do’s and Don’ts of Back to School Pet Safety

It’s time to trade in those bathing suits for clothes, the flip flops for sneakers and your pool fun for the classroom. Back to school season has hit us and honestly, we’re not sure everyone in the house is ready for it yet. While the kids may be ready to see their friends again, your pets may not be ready to say goodbye to their two-legged friends and the freedom of being outside all day. To help ease the stress of your pet, here is a checklist of some do’s and don’ts of back to school pet safety to help keep the chaos to a minimum!

DO work with everyone to come up with a routine for your pets. Having everyone involved in helping out with your pet will help to show them that they haven’t been forgotten despite how busy it has become. Here are some ideas on how to keep things consistent and part of a routine for your family and your pet:

  • A stable feeding time

  • A morning bathroom walk and/or playtime

  • Consistent playtime after school

  • Daily grooming sessions with a family member (and of course with a professional too!)

DON’T pack lunch boxes with foods known to be toxic to your pets. As a pet parent, just be mindful of what you are putting in your child’s lunch box, knowing that it could be thrown to the floor when they come home and land in the paws of a curious pet. Check out the top lunch items that are toxic for pets:

  • Gum

  • Grapes and raisins

  • Macadamia nuts

  • Onions

  • Moldy food

  • Cold packs

  • ADHD medications

  • Albuterol inhalers

  • OTC medications such as NSAIDS and acetaminophen

DO keep backpacks and lunch boxes in a designated area. Pets are always curious about everything, which means backpacks and lunch boxes that get thrown on the floor are fair game to them. Designate an area to hang backpacks up and a place on the counter to put lunch boxes so your pet doesn’t get to the contents inside of either. 

DON’T leave your pet with nothing to do. This can spell out trouble before you even leave the house. Your pets have become accustomed to multiple play sessions during the summer days so when everyone has to be out of the house, you need a plan to keep them stimulated while you’re gone. To help your pet adjust to being home alone, make sure they have plenty of engaging toys to help them pass the time instead of resorting to destructive behaviors. 

DO buy non-toxic school supplies. Keep an eye out for product packaging that has the letters AP on it, which means approved product. Luckily most products intended for children have this seal and are non-toxic for both children and pets. Avoid any products that have a CL label on them, which stands for cautionary label. Although these products shouldn’t be on any children’s school supplies, they do appear on art and office supplies that are intended for adults. 

DON’T forget that your pet still needs exercise. Just because summer may be over doesn’t mean they don’t like that fall fresh air! Try to incorporate morning walks into your schedule to help your pet get their energy out before everyone leaves and scheduling a walk after dinner can be a great family activity to discuss the day while helping your pet get some fresh air before bedtime.

DO keep your pets in a safe area when the kids head out. Doors opening and kids rushing out can cause alarm for an escape from your pet, which isn’t always on the minds of families. If your pet is known to be an escape artist, try keeping them in an enclosed area until all doors and gates have been closed and secure. If you’re heading to the bus stop with the kids, try taking your pet with you for a morning stroll! They will love getting some fresh air and it helps you to get them outside before heading to the office.

Back to school time is always a rush of excitement and chaos, but it’s important to still remember that your four-legged friends need to stay consistent to help with the transition. Finding a local dog walker can be a huge help when it comes to getting your pet the exercise they need while everyone is gone. Going Mutts Pet Services would love to be the go to small business for your pet care needs for this and every back to school season! Dog walks, check-ins and playtime are some of our specialties and we would love for you to contact us to let us know how we can help you and your family out. 

