Going Mutts Pet Services, LLC

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5 Pet-Pawsitive New Year’s Resolutions For You and Your Pet

The champagne was poured, confetti was thrown and the next day was the start of a new year with new resolutions. Oh no, not resolutions again. The daunting task of making (and keeping) resolutions always takes over once the new year hits and quite honestly, it feels like a task within a task. But don’t worry, we have you covered this year! We put together 5 simple resolutions to tackle in the new year that include your best furry friend to make things a little more fun.

Resolution #1: Improve your knowledge of pet first aid.

Pets are curious little creatures and sometimes that curiosity can get them into a real emergency. Take some time this year and learn some basic first aid to help your pet in case one of those emergencies arise because unless you have a veterinarian with you 24/7, there won’t be one with you to act quickly enough if something happens. Prompt and appropriate first aid can keep a minor injury from turning into something major and can have you fully prepared to act quickly to possibly save your pet’s life. Check out this YouTube tutorial to help get you started on your pet first aid journey.

Resolution #2: Try a new activity to promote more exercise.

Exercise is a popular list topper when it comes to new year’s resolutions and can be a daunting task sometimes. So, why not incorporate your furry friend with that exercise goal? Try a new activity to keep you and your pet active, whether it be doga (yoga with dogs), kayaking, new hiking trails or bikejoring (think dog mushing with bikes). If you’re looking to stay home, why not make an obstacle course in your backyard or work on some agility exercises to switch things up. If you can make exercise a fun new activity for your pet, it’ll feel like you’re not even working out!

Resolution #3: Get more organized.

Yes, this one is an oldie but a goodie and can be given a twist of involving your pet with getting organized. Clean out those old toys that have been chewed down to almost nothing, get rid of those raggedy old stuffed animals and just toss those tennis balls that are falling apart. Grab some new storage bins to keep everything together and not scattered on the floor. File all of your pets records and important documents so you know where to go when you need to show proof of something and maybe try a board dedicated just to your pet for reminders and appointments. 

Resolution #4: Start a savings account for your pet

It’s no secret that our pets can come with a little price tag, especially if it relates to the medical side of things. So why not ease some of the worry and start a savings account for your pet that can help with those surprise expenses. Budget some money each month to be put aside into this account so when something does go wrong, you’ll have a better sense of peace knowing you have money set aside. You can also help with expenses by researching pet insurance to see how it can fit into your budget for your pet. You can start by checking out pet insurance through Nationwide to view quotes and customer reviews.

Resolution#5: Cut out the junk food

Pet parents know that puppy dog eyes are end game, especially when it comes to resisting feeding them some table scraps. They’re not complaining about the extra treats they get but feeding people food that are high in fat, sugar or calories can be detrimental to your pets health, from obesity to diabetes. Make a resolution to help cut the junk food together and dial in a little better to your pets nutrition. Swap out some treats for some tasty fruits and veggies to keep a better balanced diet. For some pointers on dog friendly foods, check out our past blog ‘The People Food Guide for Dogs.’ 

So whether you’re into resolutions or not, why not try making some with your favorite furry friend this year to help prioritize health, wellness and activity while keeping things fun and simple. Diving into the new year together can be more fun when you have a four-legged friend to try new things with!

Don’t let the New Year resolution business scare you away from making a new choice to find a daily dog walker for your pup this year! Stop worrying about those long days back at the office. Going Mutts Pet Services is here for all of your pet care needs, from daily walks to pet check-ins and even pet sitting in your own house while you’re away. Ask us how we can help with all of your pet care needs to customize a plan for you for the new year!