How to Keep ‘Pup’ With Your Dog’s Health

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Stepping outside during the mornings may look a little different now that September is coming to an end: green leaves becoming red, ditching the shorts and grabbing a sweater and pumpkin spice has invaded e v e r y t h i n g. The change of seasons can be bittersweet for some people, but for your canine it can be a breath of fresh, crisp air because it means no more hot weather and a welcoming of cooler and more comfortable time outside. 

While we love to watch our furry friends jumping through leaf piles and chasing their tails in the wind, this is a great time to give some attention to your pups' health to make sure they are ready for the seasonal changes that are happening. Keeping on top of their wellness can help them stay in tip top shape so they can live longer, healthy lives with us. So in honor of our loyal companions, we have put together a list of some important dog care for pet owners to keep on top of with the changing of seasons and schedules. 

Keep it regular! Just like you and I need regular check-ups with the doctor to stay healthy, your dog needs annual check-ups with their veterinarian to make sure they stay in good health for as long as they can.

Exercise for health and happiness! Having walks as a daily routine is the best way to provide your canine with exercise and maintaining their physical fitness. Regular walks can help prevent boredom, help their digestive tract, keep them at a healthier weight and also help burn off their excess energy. In return, your canine will be thrilled to explore the outdoors with you, making it a great way to bond! Going Mutts Pet Services understands that not all pet owners have the time and freedom to walk their dogs everyday, so let us help you out. We would love to help provide playtime and a daily walk for your favorite canine companion while you work! Contact us for a free consultation to put together the best routine for your pup.

Indoors is just as important as the outdoors! The outdoors may provide fresh air, open fields and lots of walking opportunities with your pup, but it is equally important to spend some time with your dog indoors. Fenced yards and dog houses cannot replace the companionship of humans, so make sure you're spending some time with your dog inside with lots of belly rubs, activities and attention. After all, canines are very social creatures and love being with their families! 

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Keep them identified! Every dog should have an identification tag with your name, phone number and address in case they wander too far from home. If your pup has some sort of identification on him away from home, it will increase the chances that he will be returned safely to you.

Keep it fresh! With so many meal options to choose from, it can be overwhelming finding the right food for your pup that provides them with a good balance of the nutrients they need. The right pet food will help to enrich your canine companions life, providing them with the energy and nutrients they need to keep their life healthy and long. When choosing the best dog food, look for a good balance of protein, carbs and fats along with plenty of fiber for the digestive system. In addition to those ingredients, you should also select a pet food formula that is appropriate for your pet’s age, health conditions and activity level. As always, talk to your veterinarian before switching to a specialized food for your pet.

But don’t overfeed! Keeping your dog at an average and healthy weight can seem daunting at times, but just remember that dogs overweight can have huge impacts on their health and happiness. More than 50% of dogs in America are obese; with this number on the rise, it provides an increased risk of cardiovascular disease, joint disease, a lowered immune system and many other health problems for your overweight canine. Overweight for your pup means less mobility and possibly less playtime as they may not be able to run as long as you would need them to in order to keep them active. So do your pup a favor and feed them just the amount recommended by their veterinarian and don’t give into those puppy eyes when they beg for more!

Keep ‘pup’ with good hygiene! It’s your job to make sure your dog has good hygiene habits, so make sure you keep up with all grooming and vet appointments to keep them on the right track. To keep them in tip-top shape, make sure you are brushing their teeth, brushing out their coats, keeping their nails trimmed and grinded as well as giving them healthy and adequate food. Staying on track with all grooming and vet appointments will help your canine have great hygiene habits.

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Socialization and training are important too! Probably one of the most important parts of pet responsibility is making sure your pup is trained and well socialized to make everyone’s lives easier and more fun. It’s best to start when they are young with training and socializing, as it’s more effective, but it’s never too late to teach an old dog new tricks! Making sure your canine is potty trained, working on obedience training and letting your pup interact with other dogs are some of the top priorities for pet owners. A well-trained dog is a happy dog, which makes for happy pet parents!

Keep the paws in check! No matter what the season, you should always keep an eye on your puppy's paws and keep them as clean as possible. Watch out for hot pavement in the summer months and check for salt between their paws in the winter months if you go for a walk to avoid any cracked, dry or irritated paw pads. If you notice your dog is licking their feet a lot, be sure to clean them off with a gentle soap that is pet-safe. You could always invest in a fun pair of booties for your canine or find some paw wax at your local pet store to help with keeping their paws fresh and clean.

Whether you’re a new pet parent or have had your canine for a while now, keep in mind the importance of staying ahead of the ball when it comes to your favorite furry friends' health and wellness. We want to make sure man’s best friend is around for a long time, and it all starts with great hygiene and good wellness habits!

In case you’re finding it hard to ‘keep pup’ with your canine’s exercise …. let us help! Going Mutts Pet Services is more than happy to give you the peace of mind you need while you’re at work to give your pup the exercise he needs. We provide daily dog walking, playtime, potty breaks and lots of belly rubs! Contact us today for a free Meet ‘n Greet to customize a plan for your furry friend. 



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