The Dog Days of Summer: Happy DOGust 1st!

August 1st of every year has been designated as the Universal Birthday for Shelter Dogs by the North Shore Animal League America in Port Washington, New York. The day was established back in 2008 and is rightfully nicknamed as “Dogust 1st” in honor of all the dogs who land at animal shelters and do not have an official birthday record in place. Shelter workers can usually estimate a dog’s age, but they can never know precisely when they were born; plus, no one wants to see a dog without a birthday! Since this date now holds a universal celebration for all the dogs looking for their fur-ever homes, we thought it would be a great time to share some tips on how to celebrate your dog’s birthday or Dogust 1st!

1. Host a Doggie Birthday Party! 

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Celebrate in style with a birthday party just for your pup! Invite family and friends over ALONG with their furry friends to make this a paw-tastic event! You can make (or buy) a dog-friendly cake, give out a “doggie bag” to each furry guest filled with treats and play some dog-gone fun games! 

2. Have a Game Day!

Humans like a good game night with friends, so why not make your pups special day a day of games?! Since dogs love being engaged with playtime, this will ensure your furry companion has a fun filled day. Try some of these popular doggie games: fetch/frisbee, hide and seek, tug-of-war, food dispensing toys and find the treat. Another fun game for Fido would be a doggie scavenger hunt! Collect some of your pups favorite (and most smelly) treats to hide around the house or backyard and let your dog sniff them out. Let them dig around in the leaves or go through some shrubs (that are not your prized flowers) to find the treats or try burying some under the dog bed or in the middle of the rolled up garden hose. Of course, you could always play the classic game of chase throughout your backyard too!

3. Make Dog-Friendly Treats!

Summer is a great time to snack on fruit, which can be a nutritious and fun way to treat your pup! Make Fido some dog-friendly treats or a pupcake to celebrate his special day. Need some ideas? Head on over to our two-part blog entitled ‘Summer Snacks for Your Pup’ Part 1 and Part 2 to find inspiration for those treats! Have some leftover treats? No problem! You could always drop off any extras at a shelter near you to let the shelter dogs join in on the celebration too! 

4. Have an Adventure!

Dogs are such playful pals, especially when it comes to the outdoors and nice weather. Use their birthday as a day to explore and find new adventures for the both of you! Try out a new trail, look for a new park or just roam a new part of the neighborhood together. 

5. Let Your Dog Pick a Gift!

In order to find the perfect gift for your dog, why not let them pick it out? No one knows Fido better than, well, Fido! Take your pup to the local pet store and peruse the aisles for a little to let them find the perfect birthday gift! You could even turn it into a little day trip trying out different local dog-friendly stores to pick up more than one special gift for them. But don’t worry, Fido will let you know when the right gift is found. Check out Basset & Lab on Harrisburg Pike in Lancaster for some paw-fect gifts!

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6. Pamper Your Pooch!

You love being spoiled on your special day, so why not spoil your pooch on their special day? Give them some extra loving with extra long belly rubs, ear scratching or cuddles on the couch. You could take a longer walk then usual, make a homemade meal or give them a stuffed Kong to occupy themselves for a little. Pour on the affection and attention to help show your pup they are loved and special!

7. Set up a Water Day!

If your dog has a birthday in the summer, or you just want to celebrate Dogust 1st with your pup, make it a water day. Pull out a plastic kiddie pool, the sprinkler or even just the hose and let the water commence! Your pup will enjoy any cool down he can get and nothing could be more fun to watch than your dog romping through water activities with a wagging tail and smile on their face. A creek is another option to use for a water day as well; take some tennis balls and let Fido chase after them in the water! Do remember to keep an eye on your dog while around water; not all pups are ‘natural’ swimmers. Check out our blog entitled “How to Keep Your Pup Safe During Summer” for some water tips.

8. Revisit the Place You Found Each Other!

You can take a sentimental page out of the book and celebrate this special day by going back to the very spot where the two of you found each other for the first time. If it was outside somewhere, have a picnic or take a walk around the area to explore. If it was an animal shelter, you could visit with Fido and drop off some donations or a check. 

9. Go For a Long Drive!


Why not hop in the car and travel down some new and unfamiliar roads with man's best friend as your copilot! Pack some snacks and water to hit the open road with your pal and let them feel the wind in their ears. Try out some long winding country roads or just start taking random turns to find new roads! Either way, Fido will just be happy to get out of the house and go on a trip with you.

10. Give the Gift of a Dog Walker!

Dogs are social animals and they crave that human attention and interaction all day, every day; so why not give them the gift of a regular dog walker?! You can have fun and walk on the weekends, but when the work week comes, you find your time is limited with your furry companion; enter Going Mutts Pet Services. Going Mutts can help check in on all of your furry pets while giving them the attention they need while you are away for the day. Going Mutts can take your pup for a walk, to the dog park or just have a fun time in the backyard for a session during the day! Let your dog know you love them by finding a fun friend at Going Mutts to help release their energy every day.

**Every pup deserves to have a special day, but that special treatment doesn’t have to stop on just one day! Why not treat your pup to walks everyday while you hash it out at the office? Going Mutts Pet Services is a great gift to your pup to help release their energy during the day and let them romp around outside instead of being contained in the house all day. Contact us today for a free Meet ‘n Greet so we can lay some extra special attention on your best furry friend! **



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