Going Mutts Pet Services, LLC

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How to Keep Your House Clean With Your Furry Friend

For some, spring cleaning is a ritual every year to get the house ready for warmer days, but for others the thought of spring cleaning is just another day in the house. I’m talking about our dog owners. Having a clean house with a dog can be challenging, especially if you’re not used to the daily cleaning of hair, stains and odors that can come with your furry animal. Since every day is like spring cleaning with a dog, here are 5 tips to consider to help make your house (and life) a little more cleaner with your pup.

1. Make yourself a dog cleaning station. If you have a laundry room or mudroom off the garage, this is the perfect place to bring your dirty dog in to clean them up - definitely a bonus if you can add a small wash tub or already have a wash tub in place to clean your dog when they get really muddy. If you don’t have either of these spaces, no problem! Just tweak your entranceway a little to accommodate a dog station with these items:

  • Hooks: attach some hooks near your doorway to hang up leashes, harnesses and other walking accessories to keep things neat and tidy. It makes it easier to grab a leash from a hook than rummaging through baskets to find what you need.

  • Rug: a doormat outside is a great way to help control the dirt you and your pup may drag in from being outside. If you have a nicer rug on the inside, just put a towel or washable rug on top when you know it’s going to be a dirtier day than usual. This will save your nicer rugs and make it easier to toss the top one in the washer quickly.

  • Basket of towels: grab a decorative basket, put it by the door or within reaching distance to the door and fill it up with towels. This can help on those rainy days to catch the water coming off your pup as well as wiping those wet paws. If your designated area is a little small for a basket, you can always keep paw wipes by the door and hang a towel up on a hook.

  • Don’t forget the treats: toss in a container of treats and maybe a small jar of peanut butter to help with those times that cleaning can take longer than usual. This way you can grab some type of cooperation to get your pup cleaned up enough to get them inside.

2. Vacuum cleaners can make the difference. When it comes to cleaning, vacuums are life with dogs. Between the dog hair, dirt, leaves, etc that can be found throughout the house, you will want to invest in a quality vacuum cleaner. Find something with strong suction, a quality filter and good brush action that will pull the hair out of the carpet instead of just gliding over. Make sure you are regularly cleaning out your filter as hair and dirt can clog it up and spread more pet smells instead of helping to suck things up. You may even want to invest in a robot vacuum as well - these mobile vacuums can suck up dog hair and dirt right under your feet and while you’re sleeping, cutting down on your time spent vacuuming daily!

3. Blankets are your best friend. Instead of watching your dog shed all over your furniture - especially the ones that have upholstery on them - try making everything a little cozier with blankets. Blankets make great barriers for your pets to help avoid the dreaded dog hair or smells getting directly on the furniture and it makes a great way for your pups to snuggle up while being comfortable. Make sure your blankets are machine washable and don’t have any loosely woven knit fabrics that can snag their toenails.

Pet Tip: Leave some lint rollers and rubber brushes around the house as these are useful for removing hair from upholstery, clothes and other soft furnishings.

4. Make yourself a pet cleaning caddy. The sooner you can clean up any mess, the better it will be for your living area. Keeping your home feeling fresh with pets starts with messes, so a great way to be proactive and ready for a mess is to have a caddy ready with all of your pet mess cleanup products. Grab yourself a caddy or a bucket and fill it with these essentials as a quick ‘grab-n-go’ to the mess:

  • Rubber gloves

  • Paper towels or washable cleaning cloths

  • Trash bags

  • Soft bristle brush (to help lift stains before they settle)

  • Your favorite pet-safe cleaners (enzymatic cleaners have enzymes designed to break down stains and odors)

  • Baking soda 

Pet Tip: Baking soda is great at neutralizing odors, so shake some over rugs and carpets before vacuuming or leave bowls of it in areas that are heavily odored to help absorb those unwanted smells.

5. Let in the fresh air! Fresh air needs to be let in year round and yes we understand that means letting in the cold when you want to be warm. Try opening a window for ten minutes at a time during the colder months to let the stale air out and some fresh new air inside to help refresh the area. Just remember to inspect all windows and screens before opening them all the way for holes or anything that is loose.

Pet Tip: Vinegar is also great for removing unwanted dog smells - use it when washing toys and beds.

Dogs are great companions, but sometimes they can be messy roommates. Keeping a house clean with pets is never an easy task but it’s not an impossible one. Find what works for you and go with it! 

While you take care of the cleaning, let us take care of the playtime! Nothing helps get the zoomies out of your dog like a good old walk through the neighborhood or on a trail. Going Mutts Pet Services would be paw-sitively excited to help out with getting your pup some more outside time while you’re stuck inside. Drop us an email at info@goingmuttspetservices.com and visit our website to see how we can customize something for you.



