A Look Back: Our First Year In Business

Going Mutts is truly excited and beyond grateful to be celebrating one year in business. It’s been surreal to take a look back on the past year but that only gets us amped up even more for what the future has in store for us.  

I would be remiss if I didn’t take a moment to address the current issue at hand, COVID-19. This pandemic has swept the world and just like everyone else, we have been affected. However, we are still open with limited hours. We were running strong before this pandemic and we plan on coming back even stronger. The team and I are using this time to reflect, plan and rebuild. 

Words can not describe how deeply grateful I am for my clients. When I “talk shop” I usually refer to my clients as my customers or clients. But I also refer to them as the families I care for or my families because I can’t think of a single one that treats me like a transaction and I hope that I have reciprocated that feeling!

A Look Back at Our First Year

September 2018, I gained my first dog walking client. Then, for the next few months the jobs continued to come in through word of mouth and basic advertising. January 7, 2019 the LLC was created and after a few months of planning, we were ready to announce that we were open for business! April 11, 2019 the launch of Going Mutts Pet Services was made known to our social media community.

Since then, we have continued to grow and gained support from our clients and fans. In January 2020 we launched our Fur-Ever Wedding packages which allows couples to include their fur-baby on their special day.

Future of the Industry

So what’s next? Our plan is to go beyond the sidewalks and dog parks to be more involved in the community and participate in events during the summer and fall. We are going to continue to grow in the neighborhoods we’ve already established ourselves in. There are still a lot of dogs out there that can benefit from our belly rubs!

According to Rover, 47% of employed dog owners frequently leave work sooner than they should because they need to let their dog out. 56% of dog owners skip traveling because they’re concerned about the cost of their pet’s care. That’s where professional dog walkers and pet sitters like us are here to help. 

In a recent American Pet Products Association study, the U.S. pet industry expenditures in 2020 are estimated to be $99.0 billion dollars. Another APPA study shows that 67% of U.S. households own a pet, which equates to 84.9 million homes.

The proof is in the numbers that the pet care industry is here to stay and these numbers are only going to continue to grow, as are we. Contact us today to schedule your free meet ‘n greet to discuss your pet care needs. Our goals never change - they are and always will be to provide only the best care and customer service.


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Coronavirus and Pets - What should I know?