Why is Adopting a Pet so Paw-some?

As November starts to round the corner into our lives, the pet community welcomes two big celebrations: Animal Shelter Appreciation Week and Adopt-a-Senior-Pet month! Each year, the Humane Society of the United States brings awareness to the dedicated people who work to protect animals as well as honor animal shelters by designating the first full week in November as National Animal Shelter Appreciation Week. 

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There are approximately 3,500 animal shelters across the United States with an estimated 6-8 million homeless animals that seek refuge each year and only about half of those animals are adopted. 63 percent of American households include pets; fewer than 20 percent of those pets were adopted from a shelter. As we celebrate the shelters that have dedicated their efforts to helping homeless animals find their furever homes, communities are encouraged to shift their thinking from buying to adopting! 

And as you shift from a buying to adopting mentality, try to focus on the older residents of the shelters. The ASPCA founded Adopt-a-Senior-Pet Month to show that senior pets are just as, if not more adoptable, than younger animals. While the small kittens and puppies may steal your heart quickly, older pets can be just as loving and loyal as their younger counterparts. As the first week of November descends upon us, why not spread some cheer for National Animal Shelter Appreciation Week and adopt a senior pet from your local shelter.

Getting a pet is probably one of the top 5 happiest days of your life, so we want to introduce you to the benefits of adopting a pet over buying one from a pet store or breeder and how an older pet may just be as good - or even better! - than the puppy or kitten you think you want. Going Mutts Pet Services recently had the pleasure of talking with Leann Quire, the Director of Shelter Operations for Humane Pennsylvania, about the pros of adopting and the advantages of adopting older pets.

Humane Pennsylvania is the result of the 2013 merger between the Humane Society of Berks County and the Humane League of Lancaster County. Humane Pennsylvania has become the region’s largest partnership of animal welfare organizations to deliver veterinary services, provide preventative and emergency services while also rescuing, housing and treating thousands of homeless pets. They are now a statewide and national force to save animals and help people be the best caretakers they can be. 

While Leann states that there are endless benefits to adopting, ranging from increasing your overall happiness to creating purpose in your life, one of the bigger reasons to adopt instead of buying a pet is the fact that you’re ultimately saving two lives, not just one. 

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“You can feel good about adopting because you are not only helping the pet you are taking home, but you are also allowing that shelter to be able to take on another pet in need by freeing up that space. Shelters have a limited capacity, so if their shelter is filled with animals who are not being adopted they can’t take in and help more,” says Leann.

Finding a furry friend you can take home helps the shelter bring in more animals in need, so you are ultimately helping another person, or family, out by possibly providing room for their furever friend! 

But what about those pesky adoption fees?

Adopting a pet is way less than buying one at a pet store or through other routes. “Most adoption fees are very reasonable and come with the animal being already sterilized, microchipped and vaccinated! At a vet hospital, those things can add up to hundreds of dollars,” explains Leann. Adopting gets you a great deal while getting a great companion! 

And don’t forget about sponsored weekends, where adoption fees are sponsored by a donor. Leann says “most shelters even hold sponsored weekends where a generous donor will cover the cost of the adoption fee, so you could even get all of these things at NO cost at all!” She also includes that despite the adoption fees being waived at the Humane League of Lancaster during these events, they still do the same level of counseling and screening during adoptions to make sure the animals are going to good, loving homes.

Still on the fence about adopting a pet? What if we told you adopting a pet will make you feel better? Not only are you providing love and security to a homeless pet, but they will give you unconditional love along with mental health benefits.

“Not only is it good for your mental and physical health, but it can give you a purpose! There are numerous studies that show pets can extend our lives by lowering stress, depression, anxiety and increasing overall happiness. In addition, you have something you need to care for, so you are creating purpose in your life which can help people who are feeling very lost,” says Leann.  

Of course there is the question of COVID-19 - how is this affecting adoptions since they have always been in person?

 Leann shared that the Humane Pennsylvania has come up with creative ways to continue adoptions through the pandemic. “When we were in the most restricted part of the pandemic we found a way to do delivery adoptions where people would meet animals they were interested in by photos, zoom calls and talking to staff members extensively about that pets temperament and background. If it was a great match we would deliver the animal to them with contactless delivery. This was very successful. This was something we never really considered being possible to do, so now we know it can work and we plan to keep it as an option for anyone who many prefer to do that or have health limitations that restrict them from coming into the shelter, especially while we are still in the pandemic.” 

Along with contactless delivery and with the shelters having been opened in mid-September again, they are taking precautions to make sure everyone that comes in has a safe and enjoyable experience. They will be limiting the number of people allowed inside to 10 with a sign on the door showing their capacity limit when you arrive. Masks must be worn while inside and all high touch points will be sanitized daily.  

So if you’re feeling inspired to show some appreciation to your local animal shelter, why not find a paw-some senior pet to adopt? 

“It is so important to adopt older animals in shelters because you may be missing a gem and your perfect match by overlooking an animal by their age. Older animals are typically already trained and you have a much better idea what their personality and energy level will be where with a kitten or puppy they are still developing and you may not know at that time if they are a more cuddly couch potato or active and energetic animal,” explains Leann. 

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While most people tend to go towards the puppies and kittens - because, honestly, who can resist their cute little faces? - we need to still consider the cool advantages of adopting a senior dog. Grown-up pets don’t require the constant training and monitoring that puppies and kittens do, many are already house trained AND since senior pets are usually full grown, you’ll know more about what type of dog you’re getting right away! Another bonus Leann mentions about adopting a senior pet through Humane Pennsylvania is the lower adoption fee, which is an incentive for people to really look and consider the senior pets. 

Leann also mentioned that they have people that come into the shelter and ask about the longest term resident, the oldest one or the animal with the most health issues to adopt. These people understand that those hindrances can increase the animals stay in the shelter, but what the community needs to understand is those animals still need the same amount of love as a puppy or kitten despite their age and health. 

“We recently had a 15 year old cat adopted and frequently have dogs that are over 10 being adopted. I personally adopted a 19 year old cat from our shelter a few years ago and while I only had her for 7 months it was something I will never regret doing. It felt good knowing her last months were not spent in the shelter, but instead in a loving home. She taught my husband and myself that no matter how long you have an animal they become family immediately and while it can still hurt so much to lose them, the benefits of giving them love in their golden years is always worth it.”

 So once you consider that adoption is the way to go, please don’t forget about the senior dogs that have just a little more experience and just as much love as the puppies and kittens. “Seniors are amazing and deserve to spend their precious years in a loving home and not in the shelter. Please don’t forget about the wonderful seniors, they will enrich your life in ways you never imagined!” 

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So as November starts, let’s think about what we can do as a community to help our local shelters as well as the animals that reside inside. Adopting a pet can make the holidays a little extra bright from now on with a loveable furry friend by your side. And while pet stores may look inviting with their puppies and kittens, keep in mind the benefits of adopting from a local shelter to help local businesses thrive in these uncertain times AND always remember that no matter the age of a pet, all pets need to be shown love and affection whether they are in their young years or have reached their golden years.

 The Humane League of Lancaster has a blue donation bin outside of their building, located at 2195 Lincoln Highway East, Lancaster PA 17602. The bin will remain outside of their front door and can be accessed at any time. If you would like to make a monetary donation to Humane Pennsylvania, please click here to be directed to their website! Whether it be a holiday season or not, it’s always great to spread some cheer all year long. 


Wishing you could find the perfect gift for your dog with the holidays right around the corner? Look no further! A daily walk from Going Mutts Pet Services would be a GREAT way to show your pup a little extra appreciation during the holiday season. Let us care for your dog while you get your work done with a daily walk during the week! Aside from dog walking, Going Mutts Pet Services also provides cat check-ins and overnight services at your home for your pet. Contact us TODAY to set up a free Meet ‘n Greet and give your pet the gift of more playtime!







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