All Things HOWL-oween for You and Your Pet!

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With ghosts, ghouls and goblins running amuck in the streets soon, it’s hard for your furry friend to figure out what the heck is going on outside! Halloween can be such a magical and fun time for the children, but what about the fur babies? The spooky holiday can be frustrating for some pets, as they want to nibble on everything they can’t. But have no fear, we have your own Halloween Guide right here from costumes to candy to cauldrons - Oh My! Check out our safety tips and tricks for making Howl-oween paw-some for Fido.

Watch the front door!

Planning on handing out candy from the comfort of your own home? Be very mindful of your furry friends who may be ‘trick-or-treat greeters’ or ‘cat dashers’ when kids come knocking on the door. The open door may be an invitation for your furry friend to quickly run out if you’re not paying attention or you may find yourself trying to juggle an overly excited four legged greeter who wants to jump on the kids and try to get the candy. Keep your pets away from the front door if you are handing out candy; this will help prevent any escapees from heading into the dark streets full of hooligans. 

Safe Spot for Fido

Along with watching out for escaping pets, Halloween can be a strange and confusing time for your furry companion, so find a comfortable and safe space in your house and give your pet something to chew on to help with all the chaos outside; whether you leave to go trick-or-treating or you are passing out candy. Choose a place that is away from the front door and the noise; make up a nice blanket bed or buy a new chew bone to keep them distracted and comfortable while you tend to the little monsters at the door. 

Absolutely NO CANDY!

Sweet, chocolatey treats are one of the main highlights of Halloween for the kids, but they are one of the biggest dangers to your pet. Candy is an absolute no-no for your furry friends! Besides chocolate, be sure to keep sugar-free candy containing xylitol away from your pets, as this sugar substitute can lead to a drop in blood sugar, loss of coordination or possible seizures in dogs. Grapes and raisins are also on the ‘do not feed’ list; they can cause kidney damage or even kidney failure if ingested by your pet. You should also keep an eye out for candy wrappers - although not as sweet of a treat as the real deal, these can lead to irritation or even obstruct your pet’s gastrointestinal tract if swallowed! So please please please keep all candy high up in a closed container, away from curious noses!


Don’t. Force. A. Costume.

Sure your canine and feline friends may make the cutest little pumpkin or witch there ever was, but if you’re going the costume route for your pet, make sure you get something that is comfortable and safe. Ensure that any movements made by your pet will not be restricted and that the costume itself does not obstruct your pets vision, hearing or breathing. You will also want to make sure the costume does not hinder your pet’s ability to bark or meow as well! Definitely try the costume on BEFORE the big day so you can gauge the stress level, any allergies to the fabric or any abnormal behavior from your pet. The most important thing to remember with costumes and pets is to never force the costume! Always leave the deciding factor up to your fur baby since they will be the ones stuck in it all night.

Leave Them Home

With children running, screaming, crying and just being plain chaotic on the night of Halloween, it may be best to keep Fido at home. The madness that takes over for trick-or-treating may be too much for your already anxious pup, so if Fido is not the best socializer or is easily scared, leaving your pup home is the best option for everyone. Finding that safe spot for your pup to relax in while you go out will help keep your furry friend safe and out of harm's way for the night. If your pup is not the socializing kind, it’s best to leave them at home where they can relax and stay away from the madness. 

Do Not Leave Your Pets In The Car

If you plan on taking the children to another development, please consider leaving your pet at home instead of in the car. It can be very frightening for your pet to stay in a dark car while scary creatures of all shapes and sizes roam around. Your normally friendly Fido can also become aggressive and protective and lash out at a friendly mini monster due to the confusing nature of the environment they have been left in alone. For the safety of your furry friend, it’s best to leave them at home where they are the safest.

Decoration Dangers

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This is the season to dress up the house to celebrate all things ghoulish and scary, but as a pet parent you should always be cautious about what you put out as your decor. Jack-o-Lanterns can attract curious cats and dogs which can lead to them knocking them over and causing fires or burns if there is a lit candle inside. Be careful with any loud or flashing decorations, as these can startle your pet or cause them anxiety. Keep all wires out of reach of those who enjoy chewing things and remember that dry ice can damage your pet's skin. 

Watch The Glow Sticks 

Even though the liquid inside of the glow sticks is non-toxic, the actual taste of it will be awful to your pet. It won’t make your pet sick, but they may drool, paw at their mouth, become agitated and sometimes even vomit from the taste. If your pet should ingest some of the glowing liquid, try giving them fresh water or a small meal to help clear the material out of their mouth.

ID Check

As you make your trick-or-treating plans, don’t forget to add your pets ID to that checklist! With all the madness and chaos that Halloween night can bring, you can take a preventative step beforehand and make sure your pets ID tags and microchips are up to date. This can be a confusing time for all of our furry friends with the costumes, masks and screaming that ensues on Halloween night, so make it a priority to keep everything up to date just in case Fido makes a mad dash for the door when the kids collect their candy. 

Don’t Leave Pets In The Yard

Once Halloween enters the streets, keep your pets inside instead of outside, especially dark colored pets; they are more at risk for pranks or not being seen by cars. In fact, many shelters will not adopt out black cats during the month of October as a safety precaution! Leaving pets in the yard while you wander the streets can leave them open to pranks and possibly abduction; so please leave all pets in the safety of their homes while you enjoy the tricks and treats of Halloween.

While Halloween can be a fun and exciting time for all, not all furry friends will appreciate the spooky-ness of the season. Be sure to have a plan before the streets fill with chaos and kids when it comes to your fur baby and always keep in mind that the comfy blanket filled corner in your home will most likely be the best option for your furry companion come Halloween night. 

Need some help giving Fido that exercise to make him tired during trick-or-treat night? Have no fear! Going Mutts Pet Services is here to help with all of your Howl-oween pet preparations. Contact us for an extra walk or playtime to help get all of Fido’s energy out so he can relax and snooze while you enjoy Halloween night! Contact us TODAY for a free Meet ‘n Greet and more information on daily dog walking and pet sitting services. 



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