Going Mutts Pet Services, LLC

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Dog Days of Summer: How to Keep Your Pup Safe at the Pool

Water and dogs are always a good mix for a fun and entertaining time, especially with the way this summer heat has been treating us. Like humans, dogs need to find a way to keep cool during the dog days of summer and a popular treat for them is swimming pools. Whether you have a pool of your own or use a friend's pool, keeping your pup’s safety in mind during swim sessions is a must for all pet owners. We put together some tips and tricks to help keep swimming a fun and safe activity for your pup this summer.

The first thing to remember about water and dogs is that not all dogs can swim. Yes, some dogs may be a ‘natural’ at it, but you should never assume that your pup is! Not all dogs can “doggie paddle” and remain safely above water, so start your pup in the shallow water to test out their abilities and then slowly increase the depth when you feel that your dog can handle themselves. Always keep an eye on your pup whenever near water, even if they have proven they can swim; you never know when they can get into danger.

Drinking pool water is terrible. Pool water is not something that dogs should ingest. The chlorine levels in the pools could be irritating to the gastrointestinal tract, causing electrolyte issues if enough chlorine is ingested. Always have fresh water available around the pool for your pup to drink and a shaded spot to help them cool off outside of the pool. 

Dogs need to be able to enter and exit the pool safely. Make sure there are accessible ways for your pup to get in and out of the pool without getting hurt. Life vests are a great idea to put on your dog while they swim and float in the pool - they give you the ability to pull them out if they need help or something happens. A ramp is a great way to allow dogs to enter and exit the pool safely and on their own.

Speaking of pet life jackets … They have become more popular in recent years and can be a great purchase for dogs that enjoy creeks or lakes outside of a pool setting. The best ones have some additional material under the dog’s chest or tummy to give them a boost of buoyancy. If you are keeping Fido around water most of the summer, think about looking into a life jacket for your pup!

Always rinse your pup off after swimming in the pool. Dogs can be sensitive to chlorine, which can cause reactions and rashes on their skin, so it is important to rinse them off after a day of swimming in the pool. Use an outdoor shower after leaving the pool to help get the chlorine off, but if you don’t have access to one, think about giving Fido a bath when you get home to get the chemicals off and prevent any reactions from happening.

Dry your dog's ears after swimming. Just like rinsing the chlorine off of Fido, make sure you clean out your pup’s ears after swimming to prevent any infections. Swab their ears with a cotton ball and a recommended ear cleaner from your vet to help remove any wax buildup and to alleviate leftover water from their swim. Check out Pet Supplies Plus on Lititz Pike in Lancaster for some ear cleaners. 

Watch out for hot surfaces! Make sure your dog's paws don’t blister on any hot surfaces around the pool. Concrete can get pretty hot sitting in the sun and can burn the bottom of your dog’s paws, making it very uncomfortable for Fido. Whenever not in the pool, keep your dog on cool, shaded surfaces and always watch out for broken glass around the pool as well!

Older dogs can still have fun! Although they may not realize they aren’t young and in their prime anymore when they go swimming. An older dog is more likely to tire easily in the water, so always be close at hand. You may want to think about keeping swimming sessions shorter for older dogs to make sure they get rest. 

Whether you take your dog to your backyard with a pool or down to the creek, remember that each dog has their own ability when it comes to swimming and you should never assume your pup knows how to swim. Start out small and watch how your pup adapts before jumping into the deep end and always always ALWAYS keep an eye on Fido around any body of water!

Pools can be cool, but you know what else beats the summer heat? A good old fashioned walk from a friendly face at Going Mutts Pet Services! Staying in the shade and finding a cool place to walk can help exercise and release energy for your dog while you have to head to the office. Contact us today for a free Meet ‘n Greet! We make sure every pet, no matter the size or fluff, gets the attention they deserve! 


