Going Mutts Pet Services, LLC

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Go Local! 10 Benefits of Hiring a Local Dog Walker

Owning a dog has its ups and downs, with the ups definitely outweighing the downs; but we understand that they are a lot of responsibility and that life already has many responsibilities put on you as the owner. Crazy work schedules, long hours and leaving your dog alone are just some of the challenges pet owners are faced with when it comes to their everyday work schedule. No one enjoys leaving Fido home alone while being dragged into the office, but what can you do? 

The solution is simple: hire a local dog walker! That’s where Going Mutts Pet Services can help. We understand that everyone lives a busy life these days, so we put together the top 10 reasons why you should hire a local dog walker to help out on those long and straining work days.

1. Health Benefits: It’s no secret that dogs need regular exercise so they can live long and happy lives as your best friend. According to the Association for Pet Obesity Prevention, about 54% of dogs and cats in the United States are obese. Obesity in dogs prevents them from enjoying the physical activity they need everyday, along with decreasing their stamina and speed and increasing the risk of torn ligaments, difficulty breathing, back problems, cardiac problems and skin problems. In order to help prevent your dog from falling into that category, providing 3 or more 20+ minute walks per day is one of the absolute best ways to keep your pet healthy and happy. Luckily, Going Mutts Pet Services has a 30 minute daily dog walking package that can help your pup get the exercise he needs! 

2. Socializing and Stimulating: Walking can be a great way to help stimulate your dog's senses and to help him meet other people and animals. During a typical walk, your dog gets to see, smell, feel and hear all types of new and interesting things - things he cannot get while stuck inside. This can be a great way to encourage your pup to properly socialize with others. While out on our walks, Going Mutts Pet Services enjoys helping your pup explore the outdoors while meeting other dogs. We always have control over any animal socialization and enjoy letting your dog explore with us by his side! These encounters often are taken for granted by pet owners and we can easily forget that these are usually the highlights of our pet’s day.

3. A Tired Dog Is a Good Dog: Simple and true, tired dogs are more calm and better behaved for you! Regular walks help to release excess energy in your dog, which results in a more calm behavior at home, making both of you happier. Frequent, lengthy walks can help to reduce chewing, biting, barking and using the bathroom inside while you are at work. With our daily check-ins, walks and playtime, you can bet Going Mutts Pet Services will help your furry companion release energy so you can come home to a happy and calm pup!

4. Peace of Mind: Your primary concern for your pup is his happiness and safety, so having a dog walker visit daily will give you the peace of mind that your dog is well taken care of while you are at the office. Just remember, your dog walker loves dogs too! Otherwise, they would be in a different business. You can communicate with your dog walker anytime and get “pup-dates” on your dog’s happiness and health in real-time. So when you leave home to head to the office in the morning, you can leave knowing that your best furry friend is getting a special treat while you’re gone because at Going Mutts each and every day we strive to give excellent customer service through our expert care giving skills, communication and creating peace of mind with owners and dogs!

5. Time: We all live busy lives; even when we don’t want to be busy, something always comes up to fill up that newly empty calendar spot. Sometimes, consistent lengthy walks are difficult to fit into our schedules and we often find ourselves waking up extra early, heading home during our lunch hours and delaying dinner in an effort to make sure our dogs get the care they need. With a regular dog walker at Going Mutts Pet Services, your dog will get all the exercise and attention he needs and deserves while you get back a great deal of time. It’s basically a win-win for everyone!

6. No More Full Time Crates: Putting your dog in a crate to go to work is probably one of the saddest things and it just breaks your heart a little when you think of them alone in a small space for the day; along with the cringing thought of your pup possibly having an accident and sitting in it for quite some time. Having a daily dog walker from Going Mutts can help break up that time your pup has to be in a crate and allows you to feel less guilty for containing them all day. 

7. Older Dogs Need the Break: As your pup gets older, their bladders get weaker and therefore must be taken out multiple times a day. During their senior years, a dog's renal system is very sensitive and has a harder time filtering out the toxins in their urine. Making sure your older dog gets a break or two while you’re at the office is a great way to keep them going strong in their golden years. Going Mutts enjoys all types of dogs and we are just as excited to walk your older dogs as we are the puppies! We know that the senior doggos need just as much attention and exercise as the young ones and are happy to help with any medication administration or special needs your dog may need while you are away.

8. Less Boredom: When dogs are cooped up inside all day, they can lack stimulation and naughty behaviors can increase! Dog walkers help prevent boredom by taking dogs out for walks around the neighborhood to allow your pup the stimulation and energy release he needs. This has the added benefit of lowering the risk of behavioral problems, such as destructive chewing or excessive barking, that can occur when the dogs become restless or bored.

9. More Attention: Most dogs are social animals and want to be around people and other pets, so why not let Going Mutts Pet Services come in and give some one-on-one attention to keep them happy and occupied for part of the day. We have packages that include daily dog walking AND playtime! This will keep not only your pup happy, but also you can relax and know that your furry buddy is getting the attention he needs while you work. Dog walkers can help decrease separation anxiety in dogs and help make your bond stronger with your pet by allowing you to come home to a dog that is calm and content thanks to receiving fresh air and a chance to burn off some excess energy. This also helps you as an owner avoid having to take care of any messes when you come home and alleviating other problems that can happen when dogs are anxious, frustrated or bored while you are away from them for a while. 

10. Work Late Guilt Free: Have to stay late for work? Need to finish something up and it can’t wait until tomorrow? Worrying about Fido who didn’t finish all of his business when you let him out this morning? No problem! With a daily dog walker, you don’t have to worry as much if you need to stay late for work or run into the office a little early. With the assurance that your pup will get a chance to frolic outside with some quality time from a dog walker allows you to feel less guilt for any late nights at the office. Knowing that your furry companion is not locked up for 8 plus hours can help bring your stress levels down and keep everyone happy knowing your dog is getting the attention he needs even when you can’t be there to provide it.

Going Mutts Pet Services is locally owned and operated in Lancaster, PA and has customizable packages for all of your doggy needs! We have a daily dog walking package that is 30 minutes of walking, playtime, feeding and potty breaks or a quick check-in package for cats or dogs that allows for potty breaks, feedings and water refreshers. Going Mutts is also there for you when you need to be away from your pups or cats overnight with our Stay n’ Play package that includes overnight stays with walks, playtime, feeding and of course snuggles! We know that each dog is different with their own needs and are committed to providing a fun and enjoyable time for your dog with each and every visit we make.

Looking for that local dog walker? Look no further! Going Mutts Pet Services is here for all of your dog walking and daily pet check-in needs. From walks to potty breaks to some good old running around at the dog park, Going Mutts is here to help your four-legged companion get the attention he needs while you work. Contact us today to set up a free Meet ‘n Greet and belly rubs! ←  



