Pet Appreciation Week Part 1: How to Show Appreciation to Your Dog


The first full week of June is Pet Appreciation Week, an honor given by the American Veterinary Medical Association. They created the week back in 1981 to start an awareness campaign that honors the significance and all around greatness of our furriest companions! Dogs have always been deemed ‘man’s best friend’ and Pet Appreciation Week is a great way to show your pup a little extra TLC. After all, your dog is more than just your best friend, he’s family! 

In this two part series, we broke down what appreciation means, why our dogs deserve appreciation and some tips on how to show that appreciation a little extra during Pet Appreciation Week!

What does ‘appreciation’ mean for your pup?

For Pet Appreciation Week, we want you to enjoy all the good qualities your pup has to offer you and show him a little more love than usual during this week of gratitude. Whether you’ve had a particularly “ruff” day at the office or luck is just not on your side, coming home to your pup wagging its tail and bounding over to you all excited and happy is enough to overcome even the worst of days. 

And that’s just it isn’t it? Your dog is there through the good, bad and the ugly and they just want to be there with you! You have got to admire that spirit and liveliness your pup has for YOU! You want to know why we should appreciate our dogs? They are kind, loving and compassionate. They forgive everything and never hold a grudge. No matter what a dog is doing, they are always present in the moment and with you. Honestly, if you watch your dog throughout the day, you may just find that he is a better person than most human beings. So appreciate all of the good qualities your pup has to offer you day in and day out. 

How Can I Show my Appreciation?

Although you should be showing your pup appreciation all the time, this is the week to put a little more effort and go that extra mile to really pile on the admiration and love you have for Fido! Enjoy our Top 10 Ways to show your dog some more love during Pet Appreciation Week.

1. Lay on the Treats!

Dogs love their treats, so this is a great way to lay on some extra love with extra special treats! You could order your pups favorite snacks, try something new or order him a treat box with surprise toys, snacks and goodies. Another way to add on the treats is to make him some homemade biscuits or pupsicles with his favorite fruits and flavors. Either way, your pup will just love the extra surprises he gets to taste from you!

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Some pet bakeries in the Lancaster area are doing online orders and curbside pickups. Check out Lancaster Pet Bakery at Central Market’s Facebook page to order some gourmet dog and cat treats, 100% recyclable toys and homemade biscuits! Just Four Dogs and Cats Pet Bakery is open for shipping, delivering and pick-up by appointment only for homemade dog and cat treats and specialty cakes for your canine. Basset and Lab, located on Harrisburg Pike in Lancaster, is doing curbside service at the store and free home delivery within a 10 mile radius for all your cat and dog healthy food needs.

2. Extend the Good Things!

It’s no secret that your pup loves playing with you, so why not extend that playful interaction for just a little longer! To show your appreciation for Fido, extend your walks by 10 minutes or maybe go for more frequent walks, play fetch for an extra 15 minutes or just simply extend your one-on-one time with him. Dogs love nothing more than having fun with you, so give him more of the good things just a little longer. Try scratching his ears just a bit longer - they love the attention and dogs always love a good ear scratching! At the end of the day, try adding in some extra cuddle time with your pup to unwind together. A little extra can go a long way with your dog.

If you’re feeling a little crunched for time in the extension department, no worries! Going Mutts is here for you and your pooch! You can add in extra walks or playtime with a dog walker at Going Mutts - we would love to help you out with showing Fido how special and appreciated he is.

3. Pamper That Pooch!

Everyone loves to be pampered, so who’s to say your dog doesn’t? Give your pup a big old pamper session, starting with a bath! You can have some fun with bath time by giving your dog a bath by you. If your pup doesn’t like water much, maybe he will enjoy himself a little more if you are giving the bath rather than a stranger. Show him how fun it can be and don’t be afraid to get silly with each other! Getting a good brushing after that bath will make your dog feel ten times lighter and you can finish off with a nice bandanna or go wild by having a dress up party. Either way, make sure to show off your dog's new groom by taking a lap around the neighborhood. You could also bring in a dog walker from Going Mutts to help show off Fido for the week with extra walks around the neighborhood and surrounding areas!

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4. Prepare an Extra Special Meal!

Try giving your dog something other than just their dog food for dinner to spice up their meal. Sticking to pet-friendly foods, you could make some extras of your already planned dinners to give Fido in his own bowl or you could feed him some table scraps! If you’re worried about table scraps causing a bad habit, you could ‘accidentally’ drop some food or make your pup do a trick before rewarding him with something from the table! If you’re concerned about what to give your pup from the table, check out the ASPCA website on dangerous foods for dogs.

5. Time for an Upgrade!

When was the last time you upgraded any of your dog’s belongings? Not sure? Well there’s no time like the present! Show your furry companion some love by upgrading his sleeping quarters, toys or doggy bowls. Find him a new comfy bed to sleep on or if he enjoys snuggling in your blankets, try finding one just like it that’s just for him! New toys can help with more exercise for your dog and new food and water bowls can help keep him free of built up germs or mold that may be growing on your old ones. If you want to make Fido feel extra special, you could always let him sleep in bed with you at night for some extra comfy, cozy time with his favorite person! Another upgrade you can give your dog is a dog walker. Giving Fido something extra to look forward to until you come home is a great way to show your appreciation for him. Going Mutts Pet Services is ready and excited to help upgrade your pups day with walks and playtime!

A lot of the local retail pet shops have curbside pick-up or delivery options to help upgrade your pooches toys and accessories. Woof ‘N Tails, a holistic and natural pet store on New Holland Avenue in Lancaster, has curbside service and free delivery. Gus and Ruby’s Pet Outfitters is offering contactless curbside pickup and free local delivery at their pet boutique located on Main Street in Lititz. Keystone Pet Place, located in Mount Joy and Lancaster, has curbside pickup by calling their store for products or home delivery within a 5 mile radius of their stores.

Don’t forget your friendly and dependable dog walkers and pet sitters at Going Mutts Pet Services are here to appreciate your pet year round! Book a free Meet ‘n Greet with us to discuss your pet needs!



Pet Appreciation Week Part 2: How to Show Appreciation to Your Dog


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