Pet Appreciation Week Part 2: How to Show Appreciation to Your Dog

In Part 1 we shared some tips on how to appreciate your dog during Pet Appreciation Week, which runs the first full week of June. If you found our first set of tips helpful for showing your pup some extra love, check out the rest to help make the end of the week even more special for your pooch!

6. Find an Adventure!

There’s nothing more boring than doing the same thing day in and day out, so why not spice up your pups day by doing something new and fun together! Find a new place to explore together, whether it be a new hiking trail, park or a new activity that neither of you have done together before. Letting your furry companion see, smell and feel new places can be a fun adventure for everyone!


7. Take Them on a Car Ride!

Sure the neighborhood is a fun way to get out of the house and see things, but try expanding your horizons and take your dog for a car ride! Dogs love nothing more than feeling the wind on their face, letting their fur fly free and getting the chance to see new things outside of their usual neighborhood walks! Let your pup be the co-driver and head out on some open back roads to give your furry companion some freedom and new sights. Check out the ASPCAs website for tips on keeping your dog safe while riding in the car!

8. Tell Them About it!

Plain and simple, just tell your dog how much you love them, appreciate them and adore them! They may not be able to speak your language, but they do know when you mean what you say. Even if it sounds weird, tell your pup they are a ‘pretty dog’ or that they are looking good today; compliments can boost their confidence and morale which makes for a happier pooch! You can also tell them about the fun and friendly dog walkers at Going Mutts Pet Services that can play with them during the long days of missing their owners! We always let the dogs in our care know how pretty or handsome they are looking while out on walks and playtime.

9. Keep Them Healthy!

One of the most important ways to show your dog how much you appreciate them is to keep them healthy and strong by keeping up with their vet appointments and making sure their vaccines are up-to-date! Microchipping has become popular and is a great way to make sure your pup will be returned to you if Fido ever decides to wander past his boundaries. Another way to keep your dog healthy is to perform a safety check around your house! Keeping all hazardous and toxic items out of reach or locked away will ensure that your pup stays safe while playing around the house, giving you peace of mind. Your dog counts on you to stay healthy and strong, so keep up with those check-ups and your dogs everyday health and safety!

10. Get a Companion for Your Companion!

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What’s better than appreciating one dog? Appreciating two dogs! If your pup loves seeing other dogs, why not show him how much you love him by getting him a companion to play with! Afraid he might get jealous? Most animals are social  creatures and most likely they would love someone to roll around and run with while you’re at the office or out with your friends at night! You can show your appreciation to a shelter pet by giving them a furever home, with a family and a furry brother or sister. Make sure your pup plays well with others before picking up a companion for them by scheduling some doggy play dates ahead of time and also asking your vet any questions you may have about bringing another pup into your family. And if you’re worried about two dogs being alone during the day, Going Mutts has dog walking and playtime packages available no matter how many pups you have! 

Showing your pup some appreciation should be an everyday item on your agenda! Whether it’s an extra couple minutes of playtime or a new dog toy, make sure you show your love and gratitude for your dog whenever you can because they’re not just a four legged companion, they’re family! If you still need some help showing your appreciation for Fido, you can contact Going Mutts Pet Services to add in some extra walks and playtime while you get your work done. We are here to help you and your pup get the exercise and energy release he needs to give you the time to get done what you need.



Dog Days of Summer: Summer Snacks for Your Pup! (Part 1)


Pet Appreciation Week Part 1: How to Show Appreciation to Your Dog